Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chocolate Mouse

sumber : file milis dapurbunda

2 sdm  gula
½ sdt gelatin tanpa pewangi/ agar-agar
¼ cup susu
½ cup cooking chocolate, di-potong2
1 sdt extract vanilli
½ cup whipping cream yang dingin
ditambah whipped cream
whipped cream yang manis ( optional)
   1. Aduklah gula bersama gelatin/agar2 didalam panci
souce yang kecil; tuang dan aduk didalam susu.
Diamkan selama 2 menit supaya gelatin menjadi lunak.
Masak diatas api sedang, tetap diaduk, sampai campuran
mulai mendidih.

   2.  Angkatlah dari pemanas.  Segera tambahkan
chocolate; aduklah sampai chocolate meleleh.  Masukkan
vanilli extract sambil diaduk; dinginkan sampai
mencapai suhu ruangan.

   3.  Kocoklah whipped cream di mangkok kecil sampai
kaku.  Masukkan campuran chocolate kedalam whipped
cream pelahan2 sambil dikocok.  Aduklah pelahan2
sampai tercampur sempurna.  Sendoklah kedalam gelas2
untuk disajikan.  Masukkan di refrigerator.  Garnish
dengan sisa whipped cream, jika suka. Untuk dua orang.

Chocolate Mousse for Two
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon unflavored gelatin/agar-agar
1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup cooking chocolate, chopped
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
 1/2 cup cold whipping cream
Additional whipped cream
Sweetened whipped cream(optional)

1. Stir together sugar and gelatin/agar-agar in small saucepan; stir in milk. Let stand 2 minutes to soften gelatin. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture just begins to boil.
2. Remove from heat. Immediately addl chocolate ; stir until melted. Stir in vanilla extract; cool to room temperature.
3. Beat whipping cream in small bowl until stiff; gradually add chocolate mixture, folding gently just until blended. Spoon into serving glasses. Refrigerate. Garnish with additional whipped cream, if desired. 2 servings
posted by Maysiana, translated by Elly Tjan

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